Thursday, January 29, 2009

Getting To Know Us: Debbie Fouts

If you were my good friend you would know that my brothers used to call me "Mario" (for Mario Andretti).

Personal trait that I wouldn't mind having rub off on others: Courtesy

Best piano playing experience: Hard to say...I have lots. Some of the most fun have been playing the piano along with a high school orchestra in the pit for some really fun musicals.

If I suddenly had tomorrow off, I would probably still be doing laundry and cleaning the house... :)
Thanks for serving Debbie! We love having you up there


Anonymous said...

yay for debbie!

stick around debbie, we love having you.

Melinda said...

You bring so much good to the team!

Anonymous said...

We are blessed to play with 'Mario' this weekend.. Hope we can keep up with her...

Bruce & Joyce