Monday, November 2, 2009

Getting To Know Us: Abby Kahl

How/Why Do you serve at Sunset:
I sing in the choir and I just started singing with the worship team. I serve because when I wasn't there was something missing in my life. It is also a great opportunity to meet new people who also love God and who will challenge me to be a better/stronger christian.

Favorite animal and why?
At the moment my favorite animal would be a cat; specifically my two cats Tiger & Lily. Why? Because they possess a great mixture of independence, unconditional love and they are FUZZY! :) Besides there isn't a better way to end the day, than by curling up on the couch with a blanket, a great book and my cats asleep on my lap.

What are you passionate about?
Music would have to be one of the first things that comes to mind. Combine that with growing in my relationship with God and I'm a happy girl. :) I'm also passionate about helping people; I love doing those little things that help brighten someone's day.

Something that happened yesterday that makes you happy?
I spent Sunday afternoon with my Parents and my extended family. Family is one of the most important things in my life, so when we all get together for a meal or to play card games it makes my whole day!

What's your "day job"?
I am the Director of Agency Products & Services for the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Oregon (IIABO). We provide continuing education, networking opportunities, and other services to the Oregon independent agents. I sell Errors & Omissions Insurance (think medical malpractice for insurance agents) and work with the different agency programs we offer to our members.

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