Prelude: Be Thou My Vision- Todd & Marshall Frimoth
Open: Jay McKenney
Song: For Who You Are (Hillsong United)
Song: Blessed Be Your Name (Tree 63)
Song: How Great Thou Art (hymn)
Song: How Great is Our God (Chris Tomlin)
The Lord's Prayer
Announcements/Pastoral Prayer: Cliff Reynolds
Experts on Fatherhood- Sunset Kids
with Musical underscore by Todd & Marshall Frimoth
DVD Clip- What Does it Mean to Be a Real Man?
Message: Pastor Ron
Sermon Response: God in this City (Chris Tomlin/passion)
The Eleventh Hour
Prelude: Higher Ground - Todd & Marshall Frimoth
Open: Jay McKenney
Song: For Who You Are (Hillsong United)
Song: All Because of Jesus (Fee)
Song: Lead Me to the Cross (Hillsong United)
Announcements/Pastoral Prayer: Cliff Reynolds
Experts on Fatherhood- Sunset Kids
with Musical underscore by Todd & Marshall Frimoth
DVD Clip- What Does it Mean to Be a Real Man?
Message: Pastor Ron
Sermon Response: God in this City (Chris Tomlin/passion
Programming Notes
Experts on Fatherhood- a couple weeks ago Kidtropolis had kids create one word descriptions of their dads on cards. We selected a sampling of boy/girl, various ages and words and invited them back to be part of the services.
Producer's Note- This didn't work out in reality, the way it was in my head. :-) Kids who were siblings of those selected showed up, kids invited other kids, parents didn't know about the project early enough so lots of kids didn't show up and we were scrambling all morning. I had overprogrammed (being SO selective) and not prepared well enough. Another learning is that these types of projects need segment producers the day of to greet, share instructions and hang out with the volunteers involved. If you're interested in serving as a segment producer let me know! jf
DVD Clip: What does it mean to be a Real Man?
Man on the street clip featuring Holly Resnick interviewing people with the question What does it take to be a real man? Produced by Kent Factora, Sunset's Media Director and Tyler Braun PA. We'll be posting the video here soon.
God in this City: The images paired with this project were contributed by photographers in the Sunset family who responded to a bulletin ad.
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