Monday, October 13, 2008

Oct 12th gatherings


Prelude: A Mighty Fortress- orchestra
Song: O Worship The King
Theme: The Life Marathon
- included Dave's story (will post midweek)
Pastoral Prayer: Barbara Feil, Minister of Adults
Choral Anthem: My Life is in Your Hands
Message: The Danger of Turning Away from God- Pastor Ron
Spiritual Training: The starting line- Confession
Nailing our Confessions to the Cross/Communion
Song: At the Cross (Hillsong)
Song: Jesus Paid it All

The Eleventh Hour

Prelude: I Love Your Ways- Newsboys
Song: All Because of Jesus
Theme: The Life Marathon
- included Dave's story (will post midweek)
Pastoral Prayer: Barbara Feil, Minister of Adults
Song: Praise the Father (Chris Tomlin)
Message: The Danger of Turning Away from God- Pastor Ron
Spiritual Training: The starting line- Confession
Nailing our Confessions to the Cross/Communion
Song: At the Cross (Hillsong)
Song: Jesus Paid it All


Anonymous said...

Dear all,
I just wanted to share with you how great to be in the service this morning. I'm not a great writer like some of you experienced bloggers, but this time I know it is someting that would be good and encouraging to others. So here it is (I don't edit or proof read this pardon any mistakes in advance).

Christians, me in particular, are just people with struggles, sin and imperfections. It would be great if we could just open up to everybody about our shortcomings and live our lives freely...but thank goodness for the cross (figuratively and literally).

I have been struggling with my own shortcomings for many years. Rather than being specific about it, let me just say that it doesn't involve drugs and I'm not on FBI wanted in any other states or countries :)

Regardless, it is something that I know have always hindered me from being close to God. Although He has always loved me, my own shortcomings prevented me to feel close to him. Pastor Ron nailed it when he said that God will let our shortcoming to catch up to us. That was the exact same thing that I had shared only last night with a couple friends of mine. Sometimes I feel God is really patient with our stubborness until it really stops us and we can't go further anymore.

This happened to me Sunday night, prompted by certain personal experiences that I realized, I had to make things right with God. Wednesday and Thursday were the worst. I cried for two days as I was listening to "Lord I'm Amazed" in my car. All this time as I'm doing my own thing, He is there, even though I'm selflishly making myself unaware of His presence. How Deep, How wide, How great is His love for me, as me, this wretched person, improvising my life, ignoring my conscience, justifying my actions and making my own selfish choices....YET He still loves me? I'm so spoiled.

God's timing is really great. It is so interesting that I had been wanting to email Janet (I don't know why..I just like bugging her with my emails). "Janet, when are we going to have that cross nailing paper again". I've been struggling and felt the need to really give this one up to God, and I was so desperate to really lift my burdens this week. I never did email Janet, but until last night when I shared this with a couple good friends....I was encouraged to really come to the service this morning...can't remember the exact words, but it's "Something in the service that would be benefical for me". How glad I was to see that familiar cross and black paper this morning. It was just what I've been needing. I don't think I could handle bearing my burden much longer.

I've always tried to compromised with God. Maybe because I've always felt that "Hey God..ok you don't give me this, although you know I needed it, so therefore I will choose this other path temporarily until you give what I want". In my own way I have 'improvised' and compromised my own values and faith...maybe because I just feel that God is not powerful enough to meet my needs and to help me with my struggles.

My heart is still tender and raw. My mind is still fragile. The road is to recovery is long. I am taking it one day at a time.

But I know, this time I'll try my best to do it with Him, with support, prayers and love from friends (hint- that means you- pray for me).

Thank you guys for an awesome service. You don't know how much I needed it this week.


Melinda said...

Thanks 'anonymous' for your email. It is not any accident that God was already tenderizing your (our) hearts in preparation for what we received on Sunday. That is exactly what was prayed for! Isn't the Holy Spirit amazing in His promptings?

Ben and Alli said...

I just love how the team is constantly looking for ways to help people connect to God and be real. During the annual meeting later that night, I was amazed at the number of papers that were nailed to the crosses. That's a good sign. It means that people are open enough to give up something to God and are choosing to work on something in their life.
