Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7th Worship Gatherings

The Nine
Welcome/Announcements: Tyler Braun
Song: Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Song: Jesus Paid It All
Pastoral Prayer: Ake Lunderberg
Offertory: Salvation Army Band
Message: Integrity Is Destroyed By Pride - Uzziah: Pastor Ron
Trasition: Tyler
Song: Here I Am To Worship
Spiritual Direction: Tyler
Communion: Words of Institution: Pastor Ron
Song: Old Rugged Cross
Song: At The Cross
Benediction: Pastor Ron

the eleventh hour
Welcome/Announcements: Tyler
Song: Song of Hope
Song: Jesus Paid It All
Pastoral Prayer: Tyler
Offertory: Mighty To Save
Message: Integrity Is Destroyed By Pride - Uzziah: Pastor Ron
Trasition: Tyler
Song: Here I Am To Worship
Spiritual Direction: Tyler
Communion: Words of Institution: Pastor Ron
Song: At The Cross
Song: Beautiful The Blood
Benediction: Pastor Ron

TheGathering at5pm
Song: Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Song: Jesus Paid It All
Pastoral Prayer
Offertory: Mighty To Save
Message: Integrity Is Destroyed By Pride - Uzziah: Pastor Ron
Song: Here I Am To Worship
Spiritual Direction: Jill
Communion: Words of Institution: Pastor Ron
Song: Surrender
Song: Nothering But The Blood
Song: Your Name
Benediction: Pastor Ron

1 comment:

perlDreamer said...

I really liked the "unplugged" feel to the service at the 11:00am. I also like the full production, but it was a nice change up.

Tyler did a great job leading.

Would have been nice for the camera to follow the introductions.
