Goin’ all in
There’s an ARMY recruiting station close to my home, right by Blockbuster Video and a pizza joint. From time to time, I’ll see the guys with short haircuts and pressed suits going in there with a wide- eyed teenager about to sign a chunk of their life over to the military. There have been times in my life when I have had the fleeting thought: “That would be nice”. There is something in each of us that wants to go “all in” on something; to leave everything behind and commit solely to one purpose with no distraction.
Matthew 13:44-45:
44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”
Today I ask myself, “Would I give up anything for Christ if He asked me to?” Would I give Him my iphone? My truck? Would I give Him my house? My job? Would I give Him my family? Would I give Him my friends? Do I realize the treasure I have in Christ? Do you? Are you “all in”?
Ask yourself right now if there is anything in your life that you think is more valuable or important than what you have in Christ. Do your actions show it?
“God, I don’t want you to have to take everything from me before I realize what I have in You is everything. But if that is what it takes, then God take it all.”
Prayer Challenge from Pastor Ron
I hope you all had a good celebration of Independence Day on July 4. We pulled out the barbecue, lit some fireworks with our family at our house, and then went to the spectacular Oak Hills Fireworks display along with many thousands of people from this community. The freedom we enjoy in our country deserves the celebration.
A week ago in my Sunday message I talked about the East Indian evangelist K. P. Yohannan's experience at his first American prayer meeting. He came to hear one of the most famous pastors in the United States preach. That Sunday the pastor told the people there were some things heavy on his heart and invited them to come pray at the midweek service. K .P. decided to attend. In India and other places around the world where Christians are persecuted prayer is the centerpiece in church life. Everyone comes to pray, and most people are on their knees before sun-up each morning.
K. P. came early anticipating a large crowd. When he got there, he was surprised to find the chapel empty. A few people wandered in at the prescribed time of 7:30 pm. Forty-five minutes later an elderly man, not the pastor, walked in to lead the meeting. He made a few devotional remarks and closed in prayer. As the seven attenders filed out, Yohannan sat there in stunned silence. Is that it? Where was the pastor who had a burden?
Most American churches are not known for prayer. Prayer is rather far down the list of our priorities. So I invited people to stay and pray with me after each morning service a week ago. I am so grateful for all who stayed. About 100 joined me after each service. During the Sunday evening service I made the prayer time part of the service, so in a sense I made them stay and pray with me. It meant so much to me to see people praying for the president, our economy, our marriages, and our church. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God says, If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." This was a promise to the people of Old Testament Israel. It is still a promise that is relevant to us today. God tells us if we humble ourselves and turn from our sins and pray, he will answer our prayers. He will heal our churches and our nation.
I encourage you to make prayer a centerpiece in your life. Begin your prayers with praise, confess your sins, pray for leaders in our country, and pray for leaders in our church. Pray for your family members. Pray for people you want to come to know Christ. Pray through all the details of your day.
This Sunday my message is titled "Caring For Our Cities". Often Christians are seen as people who do not care about their cities. The cities in our Portland metro area have so many needs. We can make a difference by meeting some of those needs. This is one of those messages when I felt as though the words just came to me from God as I wrote them. I hope to see you this Sunday.
Pastor Ron
Opportunities To Serve
Christmas In July
It’s finally summer in Oregon, but it’s Christmastime at Sunset! In order to keep our costs down for our annual Food and Toy Drive in December we are celebrating Christmas in July.
Everyone can play a part in this amazing ministry by bringing either canned food (see list below) or toys and gift cards (see list below) to church any Sunday in July and drop them off at the Food and Toy collection points (Courtyard and just outside the East Entrance).
Please plan now to bring your donations on July 12th, 19th or 26th.
Food Donations
Spaghetti Sauce (26oz)
Peanut Butter (16oz)
Canned Fruit (15oz)
Applesauce (2#)
Cranberries – Sauce or Jelly (15oz)
Toy Donations
Approx. $15 retail value
No Stuffed Animals Please
Gift Cards (Target, Fred Meyer, Kohl’s…)
Movie Tickets
Art Kits
Worship Choir
We are looking for people who enjoy expressing their love for God through singing. Worship choir will sing again on July 26th and August 23rd. If you plan to sing on those dates, please attend rehearsal at 8pm in the Sanctuary on the Thursday before the Sunday’s listed. Interested but aren’t sure yet? Then contact Jill at jillhofer@sunsetpres.org for more information. All ages welcome.
Production/Tech Team Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for people to fill the following roles:
· Service Director
· Lighting
· Graphics
· FOH Camera Op Week
· Message Slide Designer
In addition we have a new volunteer role: Video production. We'd like to find some video editors in our midst. Are you or do you know someone who could do simple projects for us? (i.e. this week, we have white text (provided) on black screen and need someone to edit.) The level of the projects will depend on who we discover. The content is generally available a couple weeks in advance of the deadline. Ifyou have this skill or know someone at Sunset who does, please email me janetfraser@sunsetpres.org.
Upcoming Events
July 12, 19, 26 Christmas in July! Bring your donations for Food & Toy (details are above)
July 12-16 – Middle School Camp, click here for more info
Please pray for our middle school students and camp volunteers this week.
August will have a Back to School drive to collect school supplies for William Walker students
August 3-8 – High School Camp, click here for more info
August 18-23 – Kids Camp, click here for more info
The church truly is the hope of the world.
This year’s Leadership Summit (August 6-7) is being held locally at
Easthill Foursquare Church in Gresham. Because of our past involvement
in hosting the Summit, we’re given a special rate to attend this year.
Important! This rate is only to be used by members and
regular attenders of Sunset. If you’re bringing a friend you
can register him/her with your special code; otherwise,
it’s not for use outside of Sunset. This code allows you to
attend for a savings of $160. Our special rate is only $95.
This year’s faculty is again outstanding! This conference is geared for every adult in our church. You will once again be challenged to Lead Where You Are. There are sign-up sheets at the Book and Tape Counter in the Lobby or… register at www.willowcreek.com use our special discount code of: SD9SP to receive our special rate of $95 (Students $75). This rate expires 7/30/2009!
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