Friday, September 25, 2009

Worship Update 9/25

From Jay

Most days

I have been working on a song lately called Most Days. The song isn’t for anyone, it’s just for me, but I thought I would express some of the heart of it if I can.

I have been on staff at Sunset for 5 years. Before that I was in a full time music ministry for 3 years, and nearly full time 5 years before that. Before that I was in church worship teams, choirs, ensembles and other singing ministries on the side. It has been a long time since I was the person coming to church and sitting in the chair.

The danger of that is I can lose touch with reality, your reality. But for today, that is not why I’m writing this. Because the other danger is you can lose touch with mine. So the following are some basic (and not really thought through) thoughts about my reality as someone on staff at a church, some things I think about, some things I struggle with, some things I love about it, etc. My point in this is to let you “in” a little to my brain, and in a sense hopefully let you in on others who work in a church as well, as I find more and more the journey we walk can be so similar.

Most days I’m still trying to figure out life like you are. Most days I feel the battle between my selfishness and God’s spirit so strong that I long for heaven.

Most days I wonder who I’m not reaching out to enough, who is looking down on me for not reaching out to them enough, and realizing I don’t even reach out to my own family enough let alone my church family.

Some days I think I want to do anything but work in music at a church, the wounds you take sometimes don’t feel worth it. But a strong sense of calling, and joy that outweighs the wounds, and relationships that bring life, have kept me in it thus far.

Some days I actually remember a “normal job”, when I worked construction for years and years, and shake my head about God’s plans for my life, and become filled with gratitude to be doing something I’m passionate about.

Most days I realize I have so much more to learn, and that when it comes to relationships in some ways each day starts over, and yesterday’s successes don’t mean today I’m off the hook in learning to love people more.

Some days my motivation “switch” is turned all the way off. God is teaching me the value of showing up in those days, in relationships, in life, and not waiting till I feel “full” to engage. But to also be very aware and let others be aware that my tank is empty when it’s empty.

Some days I get so tired of the same conversations, about church, about music, about serving, about strategy, about leadership, about community, about opinion, that I want to scream. Other days I can hardly wait to dive into the discussion again and see how God will change us, mold us, use us, transform us, mobilize us, and empower us.

Some days I feel that my very presence in ministry, has brought more harm than good, that I lack the skills, lack the vision, lack the leadership, lack the heart, lack the stamina, and lack the love to bring any value to anyone. Some days God reminds me it’s His skill, His stamina, and His love that matters, and that He has more than enough to go around. Those are good days!!!

I could seriously go on forever, but you won’t read forever so I will cut it here. Hopefully something here was insightful or encouraging or revealing to you this day.

An update from Jay -- Why don’t we sing as much anymore??

Allison and I have been married for 14 years. One of the things we realize we fall into is assuming the other person knows what is in our minds. The reality is, we often don’t, and still need to hear the context, the why, the heart behind an action or decision.

Often times in this ministry I am heading a certain direction based on a heart decision made in the context of team, but realize I haven’t communicated it to the ministry as a whole. From time to time as I think of things I want to address them.

One of the things that has changed in Worship and Creative Arts is the way we approach a weekend. There is a desire to find more ways to engage people, more ways to interact, and more ways to involve people in worship outside of just singing a song. This desire meets the reality of limited time in a service, which is still more or less 70 minutes. The outcome is when the service planning teams comes up with different ways (through prayer and reflection) to engage people differently we sing less.

For example, in the next few months, we are looking at some ways to do prayer and healing differently, to involve the congregation more, and both ideas come at the “expense” of songs normally in that slot. (Still flushing out our plan so I won’t spoil you with details. J) This is intentional. But, if it’s not stated (and you’re playing or singing that weekend with only 3 or 4 songs instead of 6 or 7) you might wonder why there are less songs. We still HIGHLY value praising together in song, but we are looking more holistically at our time together realizing there are many opportunities to grow as a family outside of just singing, in the context of a worship service.

This also means when you serve on Sunday a.m. that your rehearsal on Sunday morning may end a little earlier so that we can run other elements. This will allow you time to grab a bite to eat, relax and be out greeting in the sanctuary as the church arrives!

I also want to take this moment to open the door of my office for you. Let me know if this brings up other things that you have witnessed but don’t feel have been communicated well and you’d like to hear the heart behind it. I know you are not a mind reader and the more informed you are the better!!

Thank you,

Opportunities to Serve

Sunday Morning Preludes
We are looking for people willing to play the preludes Sunday mornings before The Nine service, in December and January. For more info or to propose a list of your available Sundays please contact Janet Harmon,

Pop Culture Wanted!
Sermon Research Team
We’re looking for people who have an eye for what is current in movies, art, music, and media to partner with Pastor Ron by researching and using these sources for sermon preparation.
Please contact

Videographers And Set Designers Needed!
We’re looking for people to serve in filming and editing the children’s dramas, for distribution to parents. Also set designers to help plan and build the sets.
Next drama is December 6th. If you are able to help in either capacity, please contact

Join Sunset Choir
Choir has started!! But it’s never too late to join. If you love to express your heart for God through song, please plan to participate in choir this year. Rehearsal is every Wednesday, 7-9pm in the basement on the west side of the building. For questions or more information, contact

Production/Tech Team Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for people to fill the following roles:
· Service Director
· Lighting
· Graphics
· FOH Camera Op Week
· Message Slide Designer

In addition we have a new volunteer role: Video production. We'd like to find some video editors in our midst. Are you or do you know someone who could do simple projects for us? (i.e. this week, we have white text (provided) on black screen and need someone to edit.) The level of the projects will depend on who we discover. The content is generally available a couple weeks in advance of the deadline. If you have this skill or know someone at Sunset who does, please email me

Upcoming Events
October 10 – Compassion Beaverton, info at
October 11 – Infant Baptism and Dedication, church-wide Pancake Breakfast
October 16 – FUN Family Unity Night
October 18 – Chap Clark conference
October 25 – Annual Meeting 6:30pm
November 1 – Daylight Savings Ends
November 25 – Thanksgiving Eve Service

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