Friday, November 6, 2009

Worship Update 11/6

From Jay

One of the highlights of my role at Sunset, is the people I get to interact with in ministry. I am often challenged, inspired and encouraged by the people I am teamed with. Tyler Braun is no exception. His intellect combined with his heart make him a joy to be around. I have asked him to write some thoughts about the words we use this year as a ministry, and below is what he wrote.

By now you've all heard about our worship team's tag line for the year:

"Together we Praise, Together we Serve,
Together we Love."

I've been thinking a lot about that statement this past week and thought I'd share some thoughts to each of you on how that relates to us.

Each week we are all part of helping a worship gathering happen. Sometimes this is from the stage, sometimes from the seats.

First and foremost we desire our worship to be directed towards and focused on God, but when we are doing this on a Sunday morning it is something we do together. Not only as a band, vocals, and tech team, but also we are engaging in worship with the people in the seats.

All this is done together, but I often wonder if God is fully satisfied if it just ends there. If we have a wonderful experience of worshiping God together and we come back a week later and do that again, is that enough?

I'm going to say no, which is why this tagline nails it for me. We praise, practice, and engage relationally together and at the same time as we do this we are serving one another, God, and the congregation. But the last part of the tagline, "together we love," is how this all connects together.

There is this aspect of community and love within our worship towards God that we all too often overlook.

Philippians 2:1-4
"If you've gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care – then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand." (The Message)

I think this is what we desire even more than quality songs played by talented musicians, technicians, and vocalists.

Each weekend we have a little over an hour together to take the focus off of ourselves in order to focus on loving God and those God has placed around us. If our worship only ends with God and doesn't push us towards loving others it has missed the mark.

Note from Pastor Ron
This is a busy week for our family. Our third son Luke is marrying Jamie Steinfeld, his girlfriend of three years, on Sunday, November 8. All our kids who live out of town are coming home. Many of Luke’s friends who are groomsmen are staying at our house, so we have twenty people staying with us this weekend. With the weekend being so busy I asked John Franklin some time ago to preach for me. John is Vice President of Young Life with a busy schedule, but he always does a great job and is very well appreciated at Sunset. His message is “We Have An Adversary” based on 1 Peter 5:1-8. Join us this Sunday for a great message.

SPRING BREAK 2010!! Helene, Honduras
We are going back! Join us and experience what 200+ other Sunset members know about God’s work on the island of Helene! Helene is a small Honduran-island that is English speaking, impoverished and faith-seeking – they need your help with meaningful ministry projects!
Curious for more information or have a desire to serve?
Leader contact info Mark Runberg: 503.380.2736 or
URGENT – Deadline to turn in applications for this trip Sunday, Nov. 8 with a $100 deposit. Applications can be downloaded at our website, click here and turned in to Cindy Heinz at the church office.

Seasons of Service

Food and Toy Needs
Food and Toy, our efforts to provide up to 700 food boxes and toys to families at Christmas has a need for a few more team members:
Assistant Toy Coordinator
Box procurement
Liason to Beaverton School District resource center
For more information please contact Kirsten Williams at

William Walker, Our Adopted School
There is a need to help 5th graders for an hour, one day a month to do more advanced work, working one-on-one with a student in an activity provided by the teacher. Also there is need for Art support, helping students with art projects and art literacy.
To volunteer go to, Seasons of Service, Serving Our Schools then to William Walker. Come to the table in the lobby to speak with our representatives to find out more.

Opportunities to Serve

Ushers Needed!!
We are in need of ushers for all 3 services, especially the 11am. If you are available and willing to serve once a month as an usher, please contact or 503-292-9293x3083.

Communion Help
We are looking for people willing to serve once a month helping with communion. Specific positions needed are prep, servers, and clean-up. If you are interested and willing to serve, please email to or call 503.292.9293 x3083.

Sunday Morning Preludes
We are looking for people willing to play the preludes Sunday mornings before The Nine service, in January and February. For more info or to propose a list of your available Sundays please contact Janet Harmon,

Videographers And Set Designers Needed!
We’re looking for people to serve in filming and editing the children’s dramas, for distribution to parents. Also set designers to help plan and build the sets.
Next drama is December 6th. If you are able to help in either capacity, please contact

Join Sunset Choir
Choir has started!! But it’s never too late to join. If you love to express your heart for God through song, please plan to participate in choir this year. Rehearsal is every Wednesday, 7-9pm in the basement on the west side of the building. For questions or more information, contact

Upcoming Events
November 25 – Thanksgiving Eve Service 7p with RESCUE!
November 26 – Thanksgiving Day
November 28 – Please mark your calendar for November 28th AM. It’s our decoration day in the sanctuary. If you’re available from Noon on please email Donuts will be provided!
December 6 – Kidtropolis Drama
December 13 – Christmas Concert
December 16-19 – Food & Toy
December 24 – Christmas Eve Services 3, 5, 7 & 10pm
December 25 – Christmas Day
January 1, 2010 – New Years Day

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