Thursday, October 16, 2008

Marathon Training: Confession

This week we are focusing on Confession. Here's an excerpt from a resource we've been using as we prepare for the services.

Confession: Freedom in Transparency

There is no stronger sin than sin that remains hidden. Secret sins are the most destructive force in the spiritual life. They chain us into a life of duplicity and spiritual mediocrity, if not spiritual bankruptcy. However, when we practice confession, our sin is no longer hidden. Such transparency brings an incredible freedom. What were once iron chains of bondage fall off as if they were made of paper.

If confession is so powerful for the spiritual life, why do so few of us practice it? We could identify many excuses, but the central reason is pride. We are afraid that someone will think less of us. We believe that our present "image" will be permanently defaced. But what good is an "image" if it masks inner decay?

In confession, I identify my sin for what it is. I lay it naked on the table before God and my fellow Christian. I acknowledge that it is my sin. Again, Richard Foster: "We must confess that we have sinned by our own fault, our own most grievous fault. Our sins cannot be called errors in judgment, nor is there any room to blame them on upbringing or family or mean neighbors. This is Reality Therapy of the best sort…."

If there is no stronger sin than sin that remains hidden, then there is no more impotent sin than sin that is brought out into the open.

Would love to hear your stories of confession and how this training has helped you run the life marathon...

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