Friday, April 23, 2010

Worship Update 4/23

From Jay

In high school my home away from home was at my friend Tom Beal’s house. Tom was a year older, looked like Tom Cruise, and had very wealthy parents. I was a year younger, did not have wealthy parents, and looked more like something resembling a chipmunk with a mullet. He and I used to have a lot of fun finding creative ways to spend his weekly allowance which was somewhere near today’s minimum wage.

Tom had a habit of sleeping in. Like 12:00 or 1:00pm type of sleeping in. I remember watching his Mom try to wake him up. She would come in, flash the lights, (the blinds were down and the room was dark) and say friendly phrases like “Rise and shine”, or “Up and at ‘em”, etc. with no response. Finally, she would enter with a very full glass of ice water, and pour it on him. He would then literally fly out of bed in .2 seconds, land on his feet, and scream in shock. I cannot tell you how entertaining this was to watch and how it made me laugh.

I have been reading Proverbs lately, and a central theme is how often wisdom makes herself known to us in our everyday lives. Standing on every corner, shouting from the rooftops, in all your decisions she is flashing the light in your eyes saying things like, “Think about this, not that”, or “Live your life this way, not that way” etc. So often we tune her out, and stay in our slumber like state, acting as if we don’t even hear her.

But when the consequences of ignoring wisdom come, and the shock and the pain of our choices hit us like a cold glass of water to the face, wisdom laughs.

This week we are singing a song called Awakening. I love the lyrics, here are a few.

In our hearts Lord in this nation awakening
Holy Spirit we desire awakening

For You and You alone
Awake my soul Awake my soul and sing
For the world You love
Your will be done Let Your will be done in me

In our hearts Lord in this nation awakening
Holy Spirit we desire awakening

Are you listening to wisdom today?

Opportunities To Serve

Serve Once A Month – With a Great Team
We are in need of ushers for all 3 services, especially the 11am. If you are available and willing to serve once a month as an usher, it’s a great opportunity to get your feet wet in ministry. Interested? Please contact or 503.292.9293 x3083.

Communion Help

We are looking for people willing to serve once a month helping with communion. Specific positions needed are prep, servers, and clean-up. If you are interested and willing to serve, please email to or call 503.292.9293 x3083.

Come support and bolster the immune system of the weekend services.
Help us inoculate them with powerful prayers.
Each week, a few of us gather to pray over the weekend services. We typically meet on the night of the service rehearsal, which is generally on Thursday. We'd love to have you join us, whenever it might fit in your schedule. Come once, monthly or weekly.

What to expect: We enjoy a devotional time together first, with the whole service team, at 7pm. That lasts about a half hour. Then we break off for a time of prayer that lasts about 45 minutes to an hour. Join us?
Occasionally the day/time varies. With that in mind, contact Melinda to verify the schedule.

Upcoming Events

“Strengths Finder” Class
Tuesdays, May 4 and May 18, 7 pm, Fireside Room
(These are open to those unemployed and those employed.)
The two unemployment support ministry meetings in May will be devoted to a two-part class on “StrengthsFinder” the bestselling book by Tom Rath. Sunset member David Kopf will be introducing “StrengthsFinder” on May 4. Each participant will then take the online test and return on May 18 to learn how to maximize their strengths, particularly in their workplaces. If you are unemployed the church will supply your book (due to a donation made to the unemployment ministry). Everyone is welcome to attend, but will need to purchase “StrengthsFinder 2.0”. The unemployment support group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 20 for its regular meeting.

Rent-a-Youth is Back and Ready to Help You
May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5
Support Student Missions while you get some work done at the same time! You can “rent” students & leaders on the above days for yard work or whatever you could use some help with, and your donation goes toward the Student Mission trip to Helene, Honduras. Rent-a-Youth forms are available in the lobby near the main entrance OR contact Lorraine Prather for more info at or ext. 3024.

Apr 23, Family Unity Night, 6:30p
Apr 23-25, Highschool Spring Retreat
May 2, Church Leaves the Building
May 6, National Day of Prayer
May 7, Annual Golf Tournament
May 9, Mother’s Day/Infant Baptism/Dedication
May 23, Pancake Breakfast
May 31, Memorial Day
June 6, Choir & Orchestra Concert
June 12, Bike Safety Fair
June 20, Father’s Day

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