Friday, May 7, 2010

Worship Update 5/7

From Jay
He is there

It feels wrong to write about my Dad close to Mother’s day, but when I write, I just go with stream of consciousness and what’s on my heart, so here you go.

Growing up, my dad was “there”. Always. In school I ran track, played basketball, ran cross country, sang in choir and ensemble. etc. My father was there. Of course there had to be some exceptions, but in my memory, I see him, present, in the events of my life. I still vividly remember coming around the last corner of my favorite race (the 1500), seeing my coach on the field cheering me on, but more importantly, seeing my father there. I wanted to win for him, wanted him to proud of me, and I knew he was. I also see him at the dinner table, after a long day of work, just being with the family.
When special “dad” days came, or family days, they weren’t out of the ordinary; Father’s day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc…. time with dad was normal, not the exception.

In fact, I can’t imagine a life growing up where my relationship with my dad was not common place, where he was only present and impactful on certain occasions. I know this is the case for many people, where either their dad was gone or only present on certain times, if at all.

One of the joys of walking with Christ, is realizing He is there… always. Not just on Easter or Christmas, or on Sunday mornings, or at a camp or a concert. But right now. He is there in the ordinary, in the mundane, in the routine, in the events of your life. And the more we wake up to that fact, and become aware of how He is constantly there, cheering us on, or just living life with us, the more meaning and purpose life takes on.

Psalm 139:7-10
7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.

Opportunities to Serve

Tickle The Ivories?
Sunday, May 23, 12:30 pm
We need you! Auditions are being held for piano and synth players on May 23 following the 11am Worship Service (around 12:30pm). Please contact to schedule an audition time and to receive your audition packet.

Serve Once A Month – With a Great Team
We are in need of ushers for all 3 services, especially the 11am. If you are available and willing to serve once a month as an usher, it’s a great opportunity to get your feet wet in ministry. Interested? Please contact or 503.292.9293 x3083.

Communion Help
We are looking for people willing to serve once a month helping with communion. Specific positions needed are prep, servers, and clean-up. If you are interested and willing to serve, please email to or call 503.292.9293 x3083.

Come support and bolster the immune system of the weekend services.
Help us inoculate them with powerful prayers.
Each week, a few of us gather to pray over the weekend services. We typically meet on the night of the service rehearsal, which is generally on Thursday. We'd love to have you join us, whenever it might fit in your schedule. Come once, monthly or weekly.

What to expect: We enjoy a devotional time together first, with the whole service team, at 7pm. That lasts about a half hour. Then we break off for a time of prayer that lasts about 45 minutes to an hour. Join us?
Occasionally the day/time varies. With that in mind, contact Melinda to verify the schedule.

Upcoming Events

Signal to Noise
Thursday, May 13, 7 pm, Sunset
Sunset is hosting Signal to Noise, the Beaverton School District’s Student Moving Image Media Festival. Entry ages include Elementary, Middle School and High School students in various categories such as comedy, animation, news reporting, documentary, etc. Think of it as the Academy Awards for our communities students.

We’d love to have you join us for the evening or to volunteer with set up during the day or to usher please contact

Rent-a-Youth… Only 3 weeks left!
May 22, 29, June 5
Support Student Missions while you get some work done at the same time! You can “rent” students & leaders on the above days for yard work or whatever you could use some help with, and your donation goes toward the Student Mission trip to Helene, Honduras. Rent-a-Youth forms are available in the lobby near the main entrance OR contact Lorraine Prather for more info at or ext. 3024.

Upcoming Events
May 9, Mother’s Day/Infant Baptism/Dedication
May 23, Pancake Breakfast
May 31, Memorial Day
June 6, Choir & Orchestra Concert
June 12, Bike Safety Fair
June 20, Father’s Day

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